Swine Performance: Health Status and Profitability
Without a doubt, health is the single largest influencer on production and profitability in any swine operation. There is not one area of the business from growth performance of animals to the profits generated from sales that are not directly linked to health and wellbeing. To shed light on level of impact health status has on production and profits we utilize four health scenarios — Poor, Average, Good and Optimal — to demonstrate the level of influence health has.

The most common outcomes we notice when health is a variable factor are the traditional growth metrics – average daily gain (ADG), average daily feed intake (ADFI) and feed to gain ratio (FG). These change in a very repeatable manner when health is either improved or downgraded and affect the profitability of swine producers.
When we look at the metrics that drive profits, we can see a clear relationship between the improvement in health and the improvement in animal characteristics. When we look at the actual profits (Margin Over Feed Costs (MOFC), May 2021 prices) we can also see the payback of improving health. With our Watson®.S capabilities, our Trouw Nutrition Swine Advisors can support producers with their health and profitability goals. We must recognize that veterinary intervention and guidance, improvements in management practices and investment in feed programs all cost money up front. However, we can clearly make the case that there is a return on investment available that is directly related to how much is invested in health improvement. With one powerful tool, Watson®.S, we can help you get your desired health and profitability on-farm.