How to Submit A Water Sample

The laboratory provides the sample bottles.

Do not hesitate to contact us: 1-888-330-7555 ext:4231

Microbiological Analysis

Recipient :        Required quantity: 500 mL

Bottles are sterile and contain a preservative. The expiration date is indicated on the bottle. Please use it before it expires.


  • Clean the outside and inside of the faucet with a commercial bleach solution. Wipe with clean towel and let the water flow moderately for 5 minutes.
  • Just before sampling, open the bottle without touching the inside of the bottle or the cap with your fingers.
  • Fill the bottle while making sure to leave a free space of 2.5 cm and immediately close it hermetically.
  • Complete the form and place it in a waterproof pouch.
  • The bottle must be sent to the lab in the cooler with enough icepacks previously frozen to maintain a temperature between 2 ° C and 8 ° C. Never freeze a sample.

The maximum time between sampling and arrival at the laboratory should not exceed 24 hours.

Your samples must be received from Monday 7:30 a.m. to Thursday 3:30


A little reminder to make sure your samples are delivered as follows: 

  • Samples must not be frozen or partially frozen;
  • The samples received must be between 2 ° C and 8 ° C;
  • Samples must not be received on Friday;
  • Samples must be received within 48 hours of collection and the bottle should not be expired.

If any of these parameters are not met, we will contact you to confirm if you want to continue the analysis process.



Physicochemical Analysis

RECIPIENT:             Required quantity: 250 mL

Plastic bottles are available from the laboratory.


  • Let the water run for more than 5 minutes before taking the sample
  • Rinse the bottle beforehand with the water used for the sampling and fill it up to the neck (do not fill to the lid)
  • Keep samples cool at 4°C and in the dark.  For transport, place the samples in the cooler containing the previously frozen cooling block.
  • Ship to the laboratory as soon as possible without forgetting the completed analysis request form.
  • Never use the "microbiological" bottle for physicochemical analyses. The microbiological bottle contains a preservative that could invalidate your results.

For Sulfide analysis: a special bottle provided by the laboratory must be used.

This contains a preservative is essential. Under no circumstances should you rinse the container or discard the liquid inside. Fill without air space.



Selko Analysis

RECIPIENT:             Required quantity: 500 mL (per titration)

Fill the bottle completely as we need 500 mL to do the analysis. 

Do not use “microbiological” bottle for Physico-Chemical or Selko analyzes. The microbiological bottle contains a preservative that could invalidate your results. If your bottle has been rinsed, please indicate this on the label.

Water Analysis Form

Water Analysis Form
pdf (1MB)

Instructions for Submitting A Sample

pdf (581kB)